Acid reflux is an ailment that affects a huge number of people, so it’s not a condition that people just get when they’re in their forties. It can happen at any age, and if you’re one of the millions who suffer from it then you know that it is often painful and uncomfortable.

Acid reflux is caused by a disruption in the acid and acidic balance in the stomach. The stomach stores a lot of acids that it needs to digest food, but if there’s too much of it in the stomach then the acids start to work overtime. When this happens the stomach acids move back up the esophagus towards the throat and this causes pain.

Most cases of reflux occur when people eat large meals. And it can also be a condition that occurs when the person eats spicy foods. This can happen if you eat curry, fish, or tomatoes.

Fortunately, there are a lot of natural cures for acid reflux that you can use. These are more effective than drugs because they are safe and don’t cause bad side effects.

You can try antispasmodics like Benadryl and topically applied tablets like Diclegis. These are commonly used to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux. They will usually relieve the burning sensation and soreness but do not cure the problem.

Another option for dealing with acid reflux is using medications that will prevent the stomach from producing excess acid. These drugs can be effective and can help relieve the symptoms of acid reflux.

Antacids are also available and they work by neutralizing the stomach acids. But they also don’t solve the underlying problem, they only get rid of the symptoms.

Taking over the counter medications won’t stop acid reflux, but they can alleviate the symptoms and help your body become more efficient at removing stomach acids. Antacids are usually the best option here, but you should always talk to your doctor before taking anything.

There are also prescription drugs that can be used to treat acid reflux. These include Azlactomide, Prevacid, Pepcid, and Almetrex.

But even though most natural remedies will help you get through an episode of acid reflux, it’s still possible to develop a serious medical condition called GERD. It can happen if you don’t deal with the condition effectively and it can even lead to a heart attack.

The long term consequences of acid reflux are still not clear. So it’s really important that you consider all the options and make the best decision for your health.

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