If you’re in the market for a Ketogenic diet, you’ve probably noticed a sudden flurry of activity about it on the Internet. And since we are now in an era where almost everything seems to be just a click away, this information overload can be overwhelming. And that’s exactly why it’s so important to know the basics of this type of diet, especially if you want to be successful at doing it.
As with any other diet, the first and most important part is going to be finding out what types of foods qualify as “good”. In order to achieve ketosis, you must eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet. The best foods to remove from your diet are all starches such as pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, etc. These foods are known to cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, and as you know, keeping your blood sugar levels in a normal range is a key element of the Ketogenic diet.
Because of the restricted variety of nutritional food sources, however, there are also some limitations as to what you can eat that are not considered “starchy.” Some exceptions include nuts and a few other low glycemic vegetables.
Also included in the list of items considered off-limits are processed meats such as bacon and sausages. To make up for this, many people find that dairy products such as cheese and cream are a big help in the Ketogenic diet.
For the more advanced dieter, it is possible to indulge in specific foods that have the potential to be included in the restricted diet. Things like fresh fruits and vegetables and fish are often allowed, but should always be eaten in moderation.
After the meat and dairy items are eliminated, you may still need to keep a few of your other more “unprocessed” foods in your diet to make up for the lack of “starchy” foods. The remainder of the items included in the diet staples like fresh whole grains, beans, and legumes.
Certain foods are particularly rich in starch, and these are often low glycemic index foods such as brown rice, quinoa, and apples. A dietitian will be able to provide you with a list of vegetables that are high in fiber and low in glycemic index, and they should be included in your daily diet on a regular basis.
There are some other people that are easily categorized as carb junkies. For them, a Ketogenic diet can be a godsend, helping them overcome a sweet tooth or their inability to stay on the diet long enough to reap its benefits. But the reality is that even the hardest of “carb heads” will often find their appetite satisfied by the number of vegetables, fruits, and even lean meats that make up the majority of a Ketogenic diet.
So you can see that despite the myths surrounding the Ketogenic diet, the truth is that just like any other diet, it’s all about moderation. It’s going to take some time to adjust to the changes you make, but it’s necessary if you’re going to succeed at keeping your weight in check. While a diet that removes all carbohydrates from the diet is a radical departure from most diets, it’s very possible to avoid the dreaded crash and weight gain, especially if you’re willing to make sacrifices.
Obviously, no one can be expected to live on their own strengths alone, and that’s why so many people are seeking the assistance of a nutritionist to help them create a diet that’s perfect for them. Even if you’re not quite ready to try something like the Ketogenic diet on your own, a qualified dietitian will be able to help you feel confident that you are making the right choice by implementing the necessary adjustments.
Whether you’re starting a new diet to lose weight or need to lose weight fast, a good dietitian will be able to help you realize your goals. And once you’re comfortable on the Ketogenic diet, you can consider adding in other types of diet, such as vegetarianism or a low-carb diet for more optimal results.